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Why You Should Never DIY Your Air Con Unit

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Why You Should Never DIY Your Air Con Unit

Improperly repairing your Air Con unit can do more harm than good. Like any home appliance, your air conditioning unit is a valuable investment and requires professional attention to ensure it will continue working and performing efficiently. Here is why you should never DIY your Air Con unit.

You could cause further damage to your unit

If you aren’t trained in maintaining an air conditioning Perth system properly, it’s easy to make mistakes that can damage your unit further and cost you more money in the long run. For example, if you don’t know how to replace a capacitor or evaporator coil, then you could be putting yourself at risk for electrocution or carbon monoxide poisoning. An electrical problem could also cause your unit to fail.

You could damage the warranty on your unit

If you try to install an Air Con system yourself and make mistakes along the way, you could void the warranty on your system. This means that if something goes wrong with the system later down the road due to those mistakes, it will be up to you (and not the company) to pay for repairs. And while most Air Con equipment manufacturers offer extended warranties for their products (which cover repairs or replacements), warranties don’t always cover all costs involved in fixing their products after consumers have incorrectly installed them.

You can injure yourself

It’s dangerous to repair your own air conditioning unit. You may not realise that you’re doing something wrong, or you might make a mistake that could cause serious injury. For example, if you’re working on the inside of the unit and it starts dripping, you might slip and fall. Or, if you’re working on the outside of the unit and a part falls off, it could hit you in the head. If you don’t know what to do when things go wrong, then it’s best to call an Air conditioning installer Perth.

You won’t have access to parts

If something goes wrong with your Air Con unit, you’ll need to replace certain parts immediately. But if those parts are hard to find or expensive, then it could take weeks before you get them fixed up again. If your Air Con is out of commission during the summer months — when temperatures are high — it could be a massive problem for your home or business.

Improper repairs can lead to leaks

One of the most significant risks of trying to repair your own air conditioner at home is that you could end up causing more problems than you solve. Many leaks can develop in an air conditioner, and some are more complicated than others. For example, if there’s a leak in the evaporator coil (the part of the system that pulls moisture out of the air), it could cause water damage inside your home because there will be moisture in the vents and ducts aren’t being drained properly. This can lead to mould growth or even structural damage over time if not repaired properly.

You don’t know what you’re doing

While some repairs are relatively easy (like replacing an air filter or changing an electrical fuse), others require special tools or training that most people don’t have access to. For example, repairing leaky pipes in an Air Con system requires specialised knowledge about how water moves through pipes at different pressures — something most homeowners don’t know anything about. Without knowing how these systems work, it’s easy for a homeowner to cause more damage than good when trying Air Con repairs Perth by themselves.

Air conditioners are vital to life in the tropics, and you will never want to DIY or try a fix-it-yourself attempt. DACS Air Conditioning and Electrical professionals have been in this industry for years. They are not just here to please you but also to save you. A basic air conditioning repair job can become disastrous if the wrong people get their hands on it, so why not let the experts solve it? Call DACS today.

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